I had an event that happened 32 years ago that has haunted me over the years. It was January 20, 1985 in the very early morning hours around 1am or so.
It was not like a dream or what might be termed a lucid dream. I was laying in bed awake as I heard a bell and my name was called three times. Suddenly I was somewhere else besides my bedroom. It was very physical, very real, as if I had been transported.
I was greeting people as they came into a room. Most of these people were of some type of spiritual discipline whether traditional, such as a Rabbi or Catholic Priest, or not, such as a Siberian Shaman. One might refer to it all as a convention of Wise Women and Men for that is what it seemed like.
As we seemed to be waiting in this room, a woman entered with a covered dome cage that she set up on a table before us and uncovered. Inside was a strange horrific, wild creature in the combined form of a rat and a snake that filled everyone with a sense of fear and dread. The woman proceeded to recover the cage.
"In time this is what we must fight." She pronounced. "But tonight we come together to see if we can truly work together."
Afterwards we were all taken into a large circular room entirely lit by candlelight where we quietly filed in making ourselves into a circle along the walls. Everyone turned inwards to face a man in the center of the circle. This individual seemed familiar to me and likely seemed so to everyone in the circle. A guide, perhaps? Perhaps even the Divine Masculine?
This man at the center greeted us and then asked us all to join our energies, our life forces, one to the other. Physically we joined hands. He then told us to raise that energy through the ceiling where we would guide it to go out and touch the stars.
I looked up to see a great wooded dome with a huge glass shape in the center of an eight pointed star encased by a circle of silver. Even as I looked, we raised the energy asked of us in a huge intensity of vibration that burst through the star and out into the firmament. It felt like the thunder of the Universe. Suddenly I was back in my bedroom still vibrating from the energy, thinking, 'Should I return to the circle?' Subtly I got an answer of, 'When it is time, you shall be contacted.'
Since that time over the years, I've come to learn that the star, the eight pointed star, is ancient with many meanings. But the most ancient of them is 'The Earth' or 'Earth Mother'. But it is also interesting to note that in Her many incarnations and meanings She has been Ishtar, Isis, Sophia and even, The Holy Spirit. In truth, these are all Archetypes, part of what we are, what the Earth is, what we create and what we play out. And it is inter-dimensional, with an inter-dimensional War playing out. What was that rat/snake? The negative aspects of our own psyches, the darkness that would ravage the Earth and Her sovereignty.
My brother fell ill in 2011 where he nearly died and it was an honest to goodness miracle that he lived. During his illness 'Ishtar' appeared to him several times as he got well and 'Sophia' (as I like to image Her) appeared to inform me that I was now called. The Earth was putting us both on notice. The darkness had been loosed, it would soon be time to fight.
I certainly believe we are in the middle of that fight now, that I am doing what I believe I am supposed to be doing and that there are many others doing the same.