As a Synesthete, Sound is my strongest crossover sense overall. It is almost like it is a reality all its own for me as it has color, form, texture, emotion, smell and taste in and of itself. Existing in its own sort of dimension outside and within the physical. The next strongest sense for me is Sight, to the point where I can sometimes confuse Sight and Sound. And though I cross over with all my senses to a greater and lesser degree, they actually all lead back to Sound in one fashion or the other.
When I listen to music I can often go inside the music and can sometimes experience a realm much as lucid dream is. I feel that music can sometimes help me to slide into a lucid dream state. Sound is inter dimensional, slicing through realities with its variant wave lengths and patterns. Yet, it appears to be more than that, because as a Synesthete, I can also say that Sound also carries substance.
Sound has very real substance to me and because the patterns of each sound surrounds us and really does impact and become absorbed by our physical bodies, I think there is a subtle impact to all of us whether we fully realize all the nuances of it or no. It is actually important to understand that it is not only the meaning of words that is important, but the actual Sound of words and the patterns they carry.
Part of my desire is to express how I experience Sound and Music as a Synesthete and hope that by explaining how Sound/Music actually works and impacts us all on a physical level, that it is a matter of sensitivity on my part. That Music really does surround us and encase us, envelopes us, that we are inside it, as it were, when it is played. I'm just super aware of that fact. that it also penetrates our Essence, our Being and becomes part of us, as it were. These patterns can impact us physically, but also our Essence, in a very real way.
Being that Sound is Energy, that it is a substance of patterns and the impact of those patterns, it creates a very strong symbiotic dance with our Essence or Soul Energy.
Because of Quantum Physics, there is a very real move in parts of the Scientific Community in the understanding our Essence, our overall Consciousness as an Energy that is multi dimensional. By beginning to really understand and see ourselves that way I think we can deepen our connection between our Conscious with our Subconscious to see better results in our overall perceptions of all the realities that surround us. By using Sound, by using Music as a vehicle in that process, I believe we can deepen those pathways quicker. The doorways to the Multiverse await us.