I am really getting into the idea that we are inter dimensional. That our essence is - our consciousness in its many layers. What some might term, our Soul. All our layers have a certain amount of awareness though many are subtle. I say this because I am in an overall sense aware of that in myself and have even dealt with my subconscious awareness. And even what most consider the conscious side of the self has layers and aspects. Sometimes I think each of our Essences/Souls is more like a bundle of tightly woven layers. However, though these layers of consciousness indeed interest me fiercely, I am not really intent on speaking of that in this writing.
I also have a real interest in Quantum Theory, Physics, Mechanics, etc. because of it's Science and that it challenges many people's understanding of reality, or what is now sometimes referred to as 'Classical Reality'. I first gained interest in the subject by reading some of Fred Alan Wolf and hope to read more as he is an easy to understand individual who makes this very complex subject assessable.
Some of these Quantum Scientists are now beginning to feel that they may be able to speculate on the possibility of 'What is the Soul' or more specifically, 'What is our Essence'. And where they are being led is in the direction of seeing our Essence, our Consciousness, our Core Being, as being inter dimensional. That in truth our Essence may be in many Realities or dimensions all at one time, all the time. That there may be a real truth to our being/essence entering the physical body and then leaving the physical body as part of the Greater Consciousness/Universe. And that some Scientists may be close to finding that out.
On that note, this would certainly bear in my perception that I am aware of other realities all the time, though the physical is the most dominant (simply because I am residing in a physical body). In truth, then, I have managed to get my physical body to be aware of my Essence's natural process of awareness despite my physical form. The question then might become - how did I manage that?
I have really believed for many, many years in teaching others, or at least sharing exercises that I have created to help others tap into their own Synesthesia, as well as capabilities into lucid dreaming and experiencing alternate reality. In my early years I used to call this Energy Weaving because I really had no other words for it all. I am now beginning to understand that these abilities may well be evidence of evolutionary modifications in the physical body that helps open the doorways for our Essences to more effectively communicate in our inter dimensional state.
Conversely, as inter dimensional beings we are then capable of modifying our physical vehicle. Of impacting the synapses of the brain to alter and make our perceptions grow. Of course, it takes work. It also takes respect for our bodies and to understand that there is a partnering with our physical aspect is important. Remember, we have each chosen this for a reason. But, understanding we are far, far more than what we are normally taught is incredible. And yet, as I said, we have come to the physical for a reason. And part of that reason is to experience this reality. That, too, is important. Still, learning the things I speak of can greatly enhance the physical experience as well simply because it increases awareness of other layers even within the physical itself.
Perhaps the next phase for human evolvement is even just personal expansion of awareness through knowledge. By knowing the whys we might utilize the hows more effectively. This is also why I care about the Scientific aspect. By getting away from the purely religious or mystical aspect (because in some ways I don't think this knowledge is new) I think the doors for a true new evolvement of the human species is possible in a much, much larger sense.