What is gained by teaching others how to access their Synesthesia abilities, to Lucid Dream, to become aware of Alternate Realities in a larger sense? I do believe that by writing and setting down what I think with Exercises I believe stimulate and help expand abilities, by myself doing the Exercises I propose and the types of meditations, etc. I speak of, that it impacts the Greater Consciousness at large.
I feel that anyone who is working on said sorts of projects does so as well. That by being in the physical, by doing and expounding on some of these things helps to change us, helps to evolve the physical human genome, no matter how small. Each step elicits change.
It does please me to realize there are many others, in their own fashion, teaching. They may have variant techniques, but the larger concern is that they are helping others to learn, to grow and to move forward.
I just really wish to see more and more Science. I am really pleased to note Quantum Physics becoming a key player in many ways. Science needs to sit side by side in this heady quest because I also believe many doors could be on the tip of being cracked open in a much more profound sphere than they have in the past. We need Her clear, more objective eyes in many ways with these new advances that could truly lead to very real human evolvement on more than one level.
Which brings me to another point. I certainly would not be at the level I am at without a great deal of personal work on myself over the years. However, I was also born with real genetic propensities. Especially the ability for Lucid Dreaming of which I can recall many incidents from childhood and beyond.
As humans we have been on these evolutionary tracks a long while and I believe it also has been being fostered thousands of years by our human brethren. Especially in India and Tibet. I am certain one might see the same in other places as well, but the I think Yoga is one of the most self evident. I just believe it is the very hard work of these sorts of Groups and individuals that has led to the more natural and spontaneous rise of humans with genetic propensities as myself and those in my family. However, much of their work was shrouded in secrecy and exclusion, albeit a lot of hard work.
Although there is still much work to be done in the process, the shroud of mystery and secrecy needs to be done away with. It is important to make the Science of it as accessible as possible and remove the shroud of religion. We need clear, thoughtful, non-judging eyes as much as possible.