All of our physical senses penetrate other realities, but the first and foremost of them is Sound. I first recognized that fact when bells were used in ritual. In any ritual I have been a part of bells are used to alert 'spirits', per se, of some type. Usually on the order of either Nature or Angelic. However that may be, it is the quantum aspect of Sound that allows it to travel, or actually pierce, through the reality spectrum.
Technically, the thought would be, by accompanying the bell sound with certain smells (of incense), other vocal sounds (chants) and movements, that this would attract looked for spirits/entities/energies desired. These physical aspects also permeate through realities, but the bell Sound is foremost, strongest and furthest.
Though Sound pierces realities beyond the physical, in order to accomplish more than just that point of fact, it also must be focused as a Sound. Strength, meaning and purpose give it clarity and direction. Music and chanting are very real possible methods to facilitate such focus.
Chanting, though it can build internal as well as external strength, is more monochromatic and more singular focused. It is, however, much like a sword, and can penetrate the realities swiftly and deeply. With chanting, the next question may well need to be where into alternate realities is this Sound going. And I think that may may be a matter of simply sitting back and listening.
Music is much larger and complex. With the advent of record players, radio and television, Music has come to seep into our very lives and pervade into our consciousness. It has come to stimulate our consciousness throughout, helping to strengthen and widen our synapses. Music works on our physical being in order to help our true consciousness come through more and more. It helps to expand our awareness as it also touches into other reality. It helps us to move more freely in other reality as we listen.
I'm coming to believe that Music and Sound are keystones to communicating with and accessing alternate realities. I tend to see them as first and foremost of all the tools at our disposal. Though I feel that part of the reason we are born to this reality is to experience this reality, I also believe it is to learn how to use the physical form to interconnect throughout realities. I think this is a general thing and not something most people are really aware of. But I do think that it is a roll Music has always played and with modern technology, can become a more focused tool.